4 Things You Didn't Know a Swash Scrub Could Do

‘Hygiene is like an investment!’

And who can understand this better than us! Swash’s products are the result of our extensive experience in this industry. We optimize our products to meet every household's needs.

That’s why our products are designed in a unique way to fulfill the criteria of cleaning. The super-absorbent side makes sure that it is soaking up the caked-on gunks. In this blog, we list down 4 things you were unaware of Swash Scrub could do:

“Cleaning and Organising is a practice, not a project!”

1. Clean Up a Grime Scene
Many times when we warm up our food in the microwave, the leftovers remain inside at the grime. It is important to clean every sphere. Swash’s scrub can easily glide on the mess and bake-on with ease. This will help you get rid of any unwanted food or particles.

2. Scrub a Non-Stick Pan
There are numerous things that we cook in the non-stick pan. In order to continue cooking delectable dishes, one needs to clean it every now n then. With Swash’s washing liquid, one can easily have additional help in the cleaning process. The unique dots on the scrub help you to eliminate the bacteria (if any).

3. Unstick Crusted-on Messes
Our kids spill jelly items on the table or even sauces, Swash’s scrub preys on the crusted and caked-on dirt without resorting to using the tip of your nail. You don’t need to scratch any delicate surface to remove the stain!

4. Light fixtures
Sturdy glass globes can simple be put on the top of the rack and process, it via a gentle cycle (skip the heat dry, though). Note that the antique or delicate glass fixtures should always be cleaned and wiped off by hand.

To know more visit us on REDDIT.

Swash assures that your space gets clean and be tidy 360 degrees. Spruce up your home with us! Call us today- +91-8287892394 or you can book your product here at https://swash.co.in


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